
International Seminar "The challenges of embodying Islam Rahmatan Lil'alamin in the Era of Society 5.0"

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Diposting : Senin, 16 Oct 2023, 09:33:35 | Dilihat : 480 kali
International Seminar "The challenges of embodying Islam Rahmatan Lil'alamin in the Era of Society 5.0"

The International Seminar Committee of THE INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR intends to submit information regarding the International Seminar activities that we will organized online with the theme "The challenges of embodying Islam Rahmatan Lil'alamin in the Era of Society 5.0" on:

Day/Date: Thursday / 19 October, 2023
Time: Pkl. 09.00 WIB-Finish
Venue : Online via Zoom Meeting

ID : 849 1702 8867
Pass : P4scaUIN

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